
Cosmos Exploration

Quarterly Activities Report Ending 30 September 2023
31 October 2023


Canada Lithium

  • First two phases of on-ground rock chipping and geochemical sampling fieldwork completed at the Corvette Far East (CFE) and Lasalle Lithium Projects in James Bay, Quebec, Canada.

  • Highly fractionated pegmatites identified at the Polaris prospect at Corvette Far East and Lasalle, potentially indicating proximity to spodumene-bearing phases in pegmatites.

  • Detailed in-fill magnetic and LiDAR DEM surveys planned for CFE, focusing on recently identified highly fractionated pegmatites.

  • High-grade gold mineralisation in rock chips, with concentrations of up to 42.4 g/t Au, returned in assays from Phase 1 fieldwork at the Lasalle Project.

  • Desktop research at Lasalle indicates that multiple pegmatite dykes were intersected in historical drilling targeting gold, with no assays for lithium or critical pathfinder metals. These pegmatites represent highly attractive exploration opportunities that require further investigation.

  • Drill permitting process commenced for the upcoming winter drill program. Ongoing work programs at the Corvette Far East (CFE) project will assist in refining drill targets and vectoring into spodumene-bearing zones.

  • 9-month extension granted on the Lasalle JV to meet expenditure commitments.

    WA Byro East Project

  • Assays up to 1.1% TREYO (21% NdPr) returned in rock chip sample BY23K360, further supporting the strike extents of previous mineralised chips collected containing ore grade concentrations of scandium up to 263ppm Sc203 and 0.7% TREYO (30% NdPr) in rock chip sample LRBY21.

  • Interpretation of rock chip assays by world-renowned expert Professor Ken Collerson confirms the presence of an alkaline carbonatite complex at the Leatherback prospect.

  • Alkaline REE-Ba-Sr-Nb-Ca-Ni-Cr-Mg soil geochemistry coincident with magnetics and gravity anomalies indicate the Leatherback alkalic complex is over 3km in strike.

  • In-fill soil geochemical sampling completed over 70 existing rare earth soil geochemical anomalies across the central four tenements, with ground truthing underway.